Design works
MKC Group of Companies provides high quality services for design of gas genset power plants of different complexity. By today our Engineering Department has worked out more than 59 projects of gas power plants for customers from various countries across the world. Design works are performed in strict compliance with safety standards and state requirements to small-scale distributed power generation facilities.
Engineering Department of MKC Group of Companies is responsible for working out design options. It consists of highly skilled professionals who take into consideration individual requirements of the customer and peculiarities of a particular object.
From idea
to integrated
Engineering Department of MKC Group of Companies provides for:

- Integrated design of 1–100 MW generating facilities

- Development of documentation for technological and electrotechnical solutions as well as automation and fire safety of generating facilities of up to 100 MW capacity

- Acting a primary engineering contractor

- Designer supervision at facilities construction

- Guiding the customer while examining the design documentation

- Technical support and guidance while approving design solutions at expert organizations and local authorities of Russia
An outstanding feature of the Engineering Department workflow is teamwork at BIM-server allowing to assemble, select in accordance with the purpose, compute and conjoin the components and systems of the facility created simultaneously by different specialists in a virtual mode.
We offer the whole scope of power plant engineering works:

Pre-design package
At this stage MKC Group of Companies specialists examine technical data of a facility, carry out engineering surveys, perform expert appraisal and analysis of the received data.
Development of an individual technical requirements
At this stage our specialists choose the most investment-worthy project option and agree it with the customer, approve major technical solutions and equipment to be applied.
Development of design documentation
Design documentation includes information about an object, explanatory note, required drawings of buildings and structures, engineering and all the auxiliary systems required for passing the governmental expertise.
Development of engineering documentation
It is based on the design documentation and contains detailed blueprints and structural drawings of sustainable design and engineering solutions, as well as a list of materials and equipment specifications and a work management plan.
Development of design specifications and estimates
Design specifications and estimates contains budgeting and economic part of the project which defines the construction cost and justifies viability of financial, material and equipment, and human resources spend.
Guiding the customer while passing the governmental expertise
The governmental expertise of design documentation is a time-consuming and complicated process. MKC Group of Companies specialists are highly skilled and familiar with all the aspects of development and support of the document at each stage of the governmental expertise.Design engineering with MKC Group of Companies is:
MKC Group of Companies is a leading Russian engineering company focusing on design and construction of distributed power generation facilities. Meanwhile following our main approach of turnkey construction, we offer not only services for the facility design, but also engineering of all the main and auxiliary equipment for power stations.
MKC Group of Companies is capable of the following design works:
Integrated design of 1–100 MW power facilities;
Engineering of main equipment foe power stations: cogeneration and trigeneration units, cooling towers, hot water waste heat boilers, steam boilers, etc.
Engineering of internal and external power supply of the power station, as well as temporary, backup and emergency powers sources;
Development of dispatching and power station engineering control systems;
Engineering of fire alarm and extinguishing systems;
Engineering of ventilation and conditioning systems.