Solutions for Oil&Gas Industry
One of the business activities of MKC Group of Companies is implementation of the projects where associated petroleum gas (APG) is used as a fuel. We are ready to propose turnkey integrated solutions based on gas genset units for various compositions of APG. Integrated APG treatment systems developed by the specialists of MKC Group of Companies ensure working capacity and efficiency of the generating equipment even at significant changes in the composition and quality of APG inevitable during production.
of APG Fueled
Mini CHP-Plants
Advantages of Mini CHP-Plants Fueled with APG:
Cost Effectiveness
There is no need in main gas supply, neither in delivery of diesel fuel by vehicles. Fuel gas is produced from APG locallyIndependence
Own generation fueled with APG make an oil producing enterprise autonomous in the issues of heat and electrical power supplyVersatility
Gas treatment integrated unit ensures fuel supply to a mini CHP-plant and allow to receive associated oil products (natural gas liquids, natural gasoline, etc.)Ecological Friendliness
Recovery of APG being a greenhouse gas allows to significantly improve environmental conditions in oil production regionsSpecialists of MKC Group of Companies possess great experience in engineering and manufacturing fuel gas treatment units (GTUs). They are designed for producing fuel gas of the quality corresponding to all requirements of gas genset manufacturers out of associated petroleum gas.
GTUs by MKC Group of Companies: