Manufacturing of modules
One of the MKC Group of Companies’ competitive advantages is the availability of its own production facilities located in Dubai and Abu Dhabi where development and manufacturing of modular units and packaging of gas genset units of various capacity (4.5 MW, 2 MW, 1.2 MW, 0.6 MW) are performed.
All the modules are manufactures out of the materials of the highest quality, which ensures the reliable operation of the gensets in harsh environmental conditions and at open sites. In the conditions of low and high temperatures, a normal temperature mode of the power plant is maintained due the module, which guarantees smooth operation of the engine
1 – 100 MW
power of
Packaging of gas genset unit is one of the key activities of our companies which consists of not only manufacturing of a module, but also of the following types of works:
- Assembly of a gas genset, connecting of the engine with the synchronous generator, manufacturing of a steel frame
- Manufacturing of a heat module in accordance with the genset technical features
- Assembly of power cabinets, auxiliary equipment, expansion modules
- Installation of the engine ignition system
- Installation of the gas supply system elements
- Connecting the power cabinet of the automated generator circuit breaker to the main power plant equipment
Advantages of modular mini CHP-plants:
Site installation chart
Modular execution significantly speeds up and reduces the cost of building a facility. The building spot for a 4.5 MW module is 18 x 12 m. To save space, adjacent modules can be installed wall to wall.

Architectural aesthetics
The colour of the frame and external fencing of MKC Group of Companies’ modules is chosen from RAL colour palette and agreed with the customer. Meanwhiles, MKC Group of Companies always strives for improving the architectural aesthetics of the modules constructed. Modern approaches to design of industrial power facilities, choice of colour palette for the facades and options of buildings lighting are performed at the space and layout design stage. A prioritized task is to ensure harmonious integration of the modules into the environment (both urban and rural).